恒旭联合领投「宇道生物」4000 万美金 A+轮融资


近日,宇道生物(Nutshell Therapeutics)正式宣布完成 4000 万美金 A+轮融资。本次融资由元生资本领投,恒旭资本联合领投,老股东昆仑资本,源码资本,经纬创投,北极光创投持续加码。此前,公司还曾获得 BV 百度风投,方圆资本和腾业创投等知名机构投资。


宇道生物在基于蛋白构象调节的药物开发领域拥有深厚的学术积累,并在此基础上构建了商业化的计算+实验变构药物开发平台 ALLOSTARTM。利用该平台,宇道已经与多家大型药企、生物技术公司开展研发合作,并取得了初步验证及积极进展。同时,宇道也在该平台的基础上开发及验证了一系列靶点的变构机制药物的早期及先导分子,并持续将其转化为极具潜力的内部创新管线。


恒旭资本董事长陆永涛表示:常规易成药靶点竞争白热化的背景下,变构药物通过调节蛋白构象来影响蛋白功能,在选择性和调节机制上有着先天优势。过去依赖实验的变构药物开发效率低且缺乏方法论,宇道生物基于创始团队对变构领域的深刻理论研究和全球领先的变构药物数据库,将 AI 算法应用在变构药物开发,并已基于其药物发现平台推进了多个新药管线。恒旭资本长期关注 AI 在新药研发中的应用,坚定看好宇道团队在 AI+变构领域学界和业界顶级团队的强强联手。


Change of Address Notice

Dear investors and partners,

With your ongoing care and support, Hengxu Capital has achieved significant development and progress since its establishment. In order to better meet the needs of our business operations, our office location will be relocated to 5F, Building N3, New Bund Square City, No. 2, Lane 131, Qiantan Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai(Map Link: https://j.map.baidu.com/b5/x7VK).

The new office space is conveniently located with excellent facilities, providing improved conditions for meetings, receptions, and work. This relocation will facilitate better communication and collaboration between Hengxu Capital and our partners, enhancing employee satisfaction and office efficiency, and laying a solid foundation for continued and rapid business development.

The new office has been officially in use since January 29, and our mailing address has been switched to the new location. Considering the approaching Chinese New Year, we will not hold a relocation ceremony at the moment but plan to invite you to visit and guide us at a suitable time in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Our phone numbers and email addresses remain unchanged. Once again, we appreciate your support and understanding, and we look forward to creating a brighter future together.

Shanghai SAIC Hengxu Capital Co., Ltd.

Jan. 29, 2024