





该产品最早由AstraZeneca公司研制生产,于1991年4月在英国获批,商品名:Pulmicort®Respules®,规格为2ml : 0.5mg,2ml : 1mg;2000年8月在美国获批,后陆续在欧洲其他国家、澳大利亚和日本获批。长风药业自主研发的畅起®已通过国家仿制药一致性评价。


2007年,长风药业在江苏成立。旗下在研产品线涵盖了呼吸系统全系列产品:涉及哮喘(Asthma)、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)、过敏性鼻炎(Allergic Rhinitis)等多个临床需求大的治疗领域。公司拥有定量吸入气雾剂(MDI)、干粉吸入剂(DPI)、雾化吸入剂(Nebulizer)、鼻喷雾剂(Nasal Spray)四大吸入制剂的研发生产平台,目标是成为该领域药物研发和生产的领军企业。企业曾先后获得国内外数十家专业投资机构的投资。




Change of Address Notice

Dear investors and partners,

With your ongoing care and support, Hengxu Capital has achieved significant development and progress since its establishment. In order to better meet the needs of our business operations, our office location will be relocated to 5F, Building N3, New Bund Square City, No. 2, Lane 131, Qiantan Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai(Map Link: https://j.map.baidu.com/b5/x7VK).

The new office space is conveniently located with excellent facilities, providing improved conditions for meetings, receptions, and work. This relocation will facilitate better communication and collaboration between Hengxu Capital and our partners, enhancing employee satisfaction and office efficiency, and laying a solid foundation for continued and rapid business development.

The new office has been officially in use since January 29, and our mailing address has been switched to the new location. Considering the approaching Chinese New Year, we will not hold a relocation ceremony at the moment but plan to invite you to visit and guide us at a suitable time in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Our phone numbers and email addresses remain unchanged. Once again, we appreciate your support and understanding, and we look forward to creating a brighter future together.

Shanghai SAIC Hengxu Capital Co., Ltd.

Jan. 29, 2024