UTC完成6000多万美元A+轮融资 用于开发细胞治疗药物


近日,专注于开发新型细胞治疗药物的领先公司UTC Therapeutics宣布完成A+轮融资,恒旭资本参与投资。


UTC Therapeutics是由原宾夕法尼亚大学T细胞工程实验室主任、Tmunity联合创始人赵阳兵博士,原恒润达生副总经理、美国强生制药公司全球法规注册事务部总监宋晓东博士和原宾夕法尼亚大学T细胞工程实验室副主任刘晓军博士等顶尖科学家和企业家所创立的企业。基于细胞治疗的专有平台,UTC Therapeutics对许多难以攻克的肿瘤提供有效治疗方案。


UTC Therapeutics利用创新的LACO-stim平台技术通过反转肿瘤微环境来增强T细胞功能。例如将PD-L1/PD-1抑制性免疫微环境的信号转换为T细胞的“第二信号”,不但解除了微环境对T细胞的抑制作用,还使得T细胞具有更强的杀伤能力和更长的持久性,为治疗复发的血液瘤和实体瘤带来希望。


UTC Therapeutics公司领导团队在细胞治疗领域深耕多年,曾直接推动了Kymriah和Yescarta的上市及强生和传奇生物的合作,并主要负责起草中国细胞制剂GMP法规和药辅料关联审评等多项药品监管法规和技术指导原则,对细胞药物的研发、生产及商业化应用有丰富的经验。此次融资将用于推动平台的发展,同时开发多条肿瘤细胞治疗药物管线。


UTC Therapeutics的联合创始人赵阳兵表示,UTC Therapeutics会结合不同的改造方法来完成开发目标,并围绕这些方法搭建一系列技术平台,基于平台为难以攻克的血液瘤和实体瘤提供解决方案。UTC Therapeutics对细胞药物的独到见解和创新方法可以助力我们解决肿瘤治疗中面临的难题。


恒旭资本董事长陆永涛表示,细胞治疗药物虽然在部分血液瘤上看到了显著疗效,但是在实体瘤上尚无突破。UTC Therapeutics的团队囊括了全世界领先的科学家、企业家和药物研发人员,团队的过往经验和实验数据为解决难以攻克的肿瘤问题提供了保障,有希望填补全球肿瘤治疗的巨大缺口。恒旭资本非常荣幸能参与本次公司融资,助力企业加速发展,推动全球医药产业飞速发展。


Change of Address Notice

Dear investors and partners,

With your ongoing care and support, Hengxu Capital has achieved significant development and progress since its establishment. In order to better meet the needs of our business operations, our office location will be relocated to 5F, Building N3, New Bund Square City, No. 2, Lane 131, Qiantan Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai(Map Link: https://j.map.baidu.com/b5/x7VK).

The new office space is conveniently located with excellent facilities, providing improved conditions for meetings, receptions, and work. This relocation will facilitate better communication and collaboration between Hengxu Capital and our partners, enhancing employee satisfaction and office efficiency, and laying a solid foundation for continued and rapid business development.

The new office has been officially in use since January 29, and our mailing address has been switched to the new location. Considering the approaching Chinese New Year, we will not hold a relocation ceremony at the moment but plan to invite you to visit and guide us at a suitable time in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Our phone numbers and email addresses remain unchanged. Once again, we appreciate your support and understanding, and we look forward to creating a brighter future together.

Shanghai SAIC Hengxu Capital Co., Ltd.

Jan. 29, 2024